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If you’re an established creator and meet the current requirements set out by YouTube, it’s worth applying to have your channel verified on the platform. This will enable the verified badge next to your channel name in a number of places on YouTube.
If you are susceptible to impersonation on YouTube, being verified is the best way to ensure your audience knows when a video, post or comment is actually from you.
Being verified will also help distinguish your official channel from other channels that have similar names as you on YouTube, even if they aren’t actively trying to impersonate you. If you feel you are being impersonated, we recommend reading YouTube’s impersonation policy and reporting this behaviour.
Aside from the visual benefits, verified channels do not get access to any extra features or benefits on YouTube. Unfortunately, being verified won’t give you a boost in the algorithm, that is still down to how your audience is reacting to and consuming your videos.
Where does the badge show?
As YouTube updates its design across its different platforms, the verification badge is one feature which has had many updates over recent years. As of writing this blog (January 2023), the verification badge currently shows in all the following places:
- Channel Page
- Video Watch Page
- Video Suggestions Section
- YouTube Homepage
- Comments Section
Mobile App
Channel Page
Video Watch Page
Video Suggestions Section
YouTube Homepage
- Comments Section
Whilst the verification badge doesn’t currently show anywhere other than the Comments Section in the mobile app, this is the most important place since it is where impersonation is most likely to occur. With the launch of YouTube Handles, it is now much harder for people to impersonate a creator.
The current eligibility requirements for the YouTube verification badge are as follows:
- Your channel must comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
- Your channel must have reached 100,000 subscribers (see note below).
- Your channel must be authentic. This means your channel must represent the real creator, brand or entity it claims to be.
- Your channel must be public and complete with a channel banner, description and profile picture.
- Your channel needs to have content and be active on YouTube.
YouTube may also verify channels with fewer than 100,000 subscribers if they are well-known outside of YouTube.
How to apply
If you meet the above eligibility requirements, here’s how you can apply for the verification badge for your channel:

- Visit the Verification badges on channels page on the YouTube Help centre.
- If you are eligible, you should see a section at the top of the page titled “Apply for channel verification”.
- Click “Apply now”.
- You’ll now be taken to a form to apply for channel verification.
- Simply complete the form, and YouTube’s team will review your verification request.
If you don’t see the section or apply now button, ensure you are logged in to the right Google account by checking the account in the top right-hand corner is the account associated with your YouTube channel.
Important notes
There are some important things to note about YouTube’s current verification process and policies. Firstly, be patient, as it can take several weeks for YouTube’s internal team to review and consider your application for verification.
If your channel is verified, it will stay verified unless you change your channel name. If you do this, you will need to re-apply for your channel to be verified. To confirm, this is your channel display name and not your YouTube Handle. Any changes to your YouTube Handle will not affect your verification badge.
YouTube reserves the right to revoke verification or terminate channels that no longer comply with their Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.